why we do what we do

25 Million Americans with autoimmune diseases demand a change to the status quo

Research and science do not progress uniformly. The last 60 years have brought advancements and the adoption of new technologies. However, this development has been siloed in high-prevalence conditions, like type II diabetes. As a result, misunderstood diseases like lupus and multiple sclerosis have begun taking their toll.

Lupus is now the 10th leading cause of death for women ages 15-24. And, only one new lupus medication has been approved by the FDA in the last 60 years.

By launching first-in-market biomarker tests and developing digital biomarkers for the continuous monitoring of disease, we support clinicians in their effort to provide exceptional care. Our technologies will empower clinician decision making and ensure that patients are able to be active participants in their care.



Improve health outcomes with data-driven, proactive healthcare

Proactive interventions will make life better for people with autoimmune diseases. When clinicians have actionable data, they can work with patients to strategically adjust treatment plans in order to:

  • Limit irreversible organ damage
  • Reduce the severity of flares and symptoms
  • Personalize care to the desires and needs of the patient

This type of care encourages touchpoints with clinicians and analyzing complex data to identify early risk indicators. As a result, more patient care episodes will occur at the patient's home and in outpatient clinics. Best of all, patients will love the support they receive.


Develop diagnostic & care solutions used in the detection and treatment of autoimmune diseases

Progentec will bring about significant improvements that are clinically meaningful to existing diagnostic solutions in the market. We’re focused on providing answers to basic questions, which have the potential to make a big impact on current treatment paradigms – thus helping healthcare professionals and patients improve outcomes at reduced costs.


Company Initiative

Start with Science

  • Unlock laboratory services and scientific research that enable clinicians to improve patient care and outcomes
  • Evaluate disease-specific biomarkers and diagnostic products
  • Leverage scientific analysis relating to pharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostic development
  • Cultivate relationships within the scientific community

Company Initiative

Embrace Digital Health

  • Transform clinical research by conducting remote clinical studies
  • Deliver disease-specific, personalized interventions to measurably improve outcomes
  • Integrate sensor and ePRO data to make remote patient monitoring easy for patients and useful for clinicians

Company Initiative

Put Patients First

  • It starts with creating value. Build patient-centric technologies that solve problems and answer questions
  • Ask the patient community! Listen to the responses and make sure those insights are reflected in what we do
  • Bring people into our world by listening to theirs